In case you needed a reminder to keep going - here it is!

No matter what your life may look like right at this moment - you have the strength, the resilience, and the power to create the life you want. You just have to be willing to believe in yourself and stop playing it safe. Be open to new experiences and opportunities and learn to embrace change instead of avoiding it. 

And this part is really important - if things don’t work out the way you had hoped (which WILL happen, it happens to all of us!) don’t beat yourself up with thoughts of “I knew this wouldn’t work”  or “I should’ve known this would happen” and then use that as an excuse to go back to the way you were. 
That is the BIGGEST mistake I see people making when things don’t go as planned.  

Your brain will be looking for reasons to keep you where you are - not because it’s better for you but because it’s easier and keeps you in your comfort zone.

The brain is wired for survival, and it finds safety in the familiar. So, your comfort zone is essentially your brain’s safe haven where risks are minimized.

Which is why change can feel SO hard at times.

When you hit a snag or face failure, your brain sees it as a threat and naturally wants to retreat to what’s known and safe, hence pulling you back to your comfort zone to avoid further discomfort or perceived danger.

However, facing and overcoming challenges is where real growth happens. Recognizing the brain's tendency and consciously choosing to push through the discomfort, despite the brain's initial resistance, is key to forming new, beneficial habits and making progress on your goals and dreams.

Remember, setbacks aren’t necessarily a bad thing. They’re a normal part of life. You’re human after all, and it's okay to stumble and even fall along the way.  And true success doesn’t come from avoiding every fall (no baby would ever learn to walk if that was the case), it comes from getting back up after each fall and continuing to walk anyway.

So, keep walking friends, your dreams are closer than you think and as you continue walking towards them, know that they’re also walking towards you.

As always,

Ready to live your best life?

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When was the last time you let yourself say what you really wanted?

When was the last time you let yourself say what you really wanted? Show up as the person you actually are instead of the person you think you “should” be or the person others “expect” you to be or have told you you “need” to be?

Be honest. Yesterday? Last week? Last month? Last year? Last lifetime?

If you can’t remember when the last time was - it really wouldn’t be all that surprising and it also wouldn’t be your fault.

So many of us are taught from the time we are little - long before we can even think for ourselves - that we had to do certain things or behave in a certain way in order to be loved, successful and happy. And whether you actually did those things was often tied into whether you were perceived by others as a “good” or “bad” girl or boy.

That’s why it wouldn’t be surprising if you ended up spending a large part of your life chasing external validation and going through life on auto-pilot so you could live up to other people’s ideas of who you “should” be or “need” to be instead of letting yourself simply be the person you actually are.

With all that childhood programming and input from well meaning adults, teachers and family members…chances are you never even stopped long enough to actually ask yourself what it is that makes YOU feel fulfilled, happy and whole.

That’s why it’s so important to slow down and take the time to actually ask yourself what it would look like to live life by your own expectations and in a way that lets you be true to who you actually are. Only then can you find that joy, freedom and happiness that may have escaped you before.

And not to mention a whole new outlook on life.

Imagine waking up each day feeling energized, excited and ready to crush your day because you’re doing what you love and being who you actually want to be.

Imagine being the empowered, confident, fun loving and fearless woman you’ve always envisioned yourself to be.

A woman who lives life unapologetically and on her own terms and makes decisions based on her own needs and desires - not based on what others think.

A woman who no longer wakes up feeling frustrated, stressed and anxious about her day and looks forward to instead - no matter how challenging it gets - because she knows in her heart that she is exactly where she is supposed to be in life.

That’s what’s possible for you when you let go of the need for external validation and replace it with your own validation. And I know it’s possible for you because I’ve seen it happen time and time again for my clients.

(I’ve also watched it happen for me by the way!)

And now, I would love to see it happen for you also. No more living a life of “should be”, “have to be” or “need to be”. Just a life that lets you BE the person you want to be and could be- whatever that looks like for you. So if you’re ready to stop “shoulding” all over yourself and start focusing on what could be possible instead - DM me and let’s see how we can work together so you can be the person you want to be and were always meant to be.

As always,


Ready to live your best life?

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How to Take Control Your Negative Thoughts Before They Start to Control You!

Negative thoughts. We all have them. Most of us don’t want them.  But the problem is they can be so programmed into us that over time, they become habitual and automatic. And for good reason. Anything that’s done often enough - including thinking negative thoughts, creates new neural pathways that turn a repeated behavior into a habit. 

And once the behavior turns into a habit, not only will it becomes automatic, but it usually starts to feel pretty normal and you likely don’t even notice that you’re engaging in the behavior. And the more you engage in it, the more it becomes part of you. Keeping you stuck in.a vicious cycle.

Luckily, habits can be changed and cycles can be broken.  So if you want to stop having negative thoughts but you're not sure where to begin, here’s some tips that may help:

  1. Become familiar with your negative thought patterns: Awareness really is the first step to creating almost every change in life. Start by paying attention to your thoughts and notice what situation or triggers seem to lead to the negative ones making an appearance. 

  2. Challenge the thought. Ask yourself if the negative thought you’re having is actually true - or is it just a story you may be telling yourself because you’re used to hearing it? And is the thought based on facts or assumptions?

  3. Replace the thought. Once you have challenged the negative thought, replace it with a better feeling thought- on that’s based on facts. Not emotion. Not assumptions and not perception alone.  

  4. Start monitoring your responses to negative thoughts. Notice if you have any automatic responses that seem to take over the minute the thoughts come in.  That’s your practiced - and habitual - response.  Like the automatic thought, your response can also become automatic.  And the best way to replace an automatic, practiced response you don’t want to have is by deliberately and intentionally replacing it with the one you want to have instead. Even if the automatic one makes its way in first, follow it up with your new one with one and keep doing that until the new one becomes the more practiced response.  

  5. Limit your exposure to situations and triggers for negative thoughts. We may not be able to completely eliminate or even control every situation or trigger that leads to negative thoughts, but we can try to reduce  our exposure to them. 

  6. Incorporate small things throughout your day that bring you joy and make you smile. Whether it’s a quick walk outside, taking 5 minutes to stop by your work bestie’s office or giving your kids or dogs a hug. Make time for it. The more positive events you log each day, the less impact the negative or triggering ones will have on our thoughts.

Changing automatic responses to negative thoughts can take time and practice so be patient with yourself and don’t forget to celebrate small wins along the way.

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It is truly never too late to start living the life you want or become the person you’ve always wanted to be!

It can be hard not to get caught up in other people’s expectations of us. Most of us learn from a young age that the approval, safety and even the love we want and crave is readily available if we look, behave, act, dress and even speak in a certain way.

So we keep doing things that get us that approval, safety and love. Even if they don’t feel aligned with who we really are. Get the job, get the partner, the house, the cars, the kids.. and accumulate as much “stuff” as possible to show the world just how important you are.

And throughout it all, the underlying message we are sending to ourselves is that we must fit into the mold that we were given or we won’t be loved, accepted, successful or safe. And worse that being who we actually are simply isn’t good enough

I call bullshit on all of it.

There is no such thing as a “one size fits all” when it comes to who we are. We are all unique beings with unique strengths, gifts and needs. And trying to fit into a mold someone else created for you is like trying to fit into heels that are a size too small just because they “look really good”. If you force your foot into those heels guess what - you are going to be in pain and uncomfortable the whole time you’re wearing them.

The same thing goes for trying to be someone you’re actually not and living your life based on other people’s expectations of you instead of living life based on your own needs and expectations.

At the end of the day, everyone will want you to fit into THEIR vision of you - because that’s what’s familiar to them and feels most comfortable to them. And in some ways, it probably worked well for them so they genuinely believe it’s what will work best for you. And maybe doing it their way DID work well for you at one point.

But do you really want to keep chasing dreams and goals that others created for you? Or do you want to live your own dreams instead? It’s never too late to change directions. And the best way to start is by shedding the desires and expectations others have for you and replacing them with the desires and expectations you have for yourself.

It’s also never too late to start living the life you want or become the person you’ve always wanted to be. All you have to do is be willing to stop being who others need or want you to be, and start being who YOU want and know you’re meant to be.

And the irony of it all is that the more you start showing up for yourself, the easier it becomes to show up for others also.

As always,


Ready to live your best life?

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Are you confusing being a good human with being a “good girl”?

Growing up I was raised with a lot of rules about what it meant to be a “good girl”. Most of them also implied that if I wasn’t a “good girl”, that would also mean I wasn’t a good human. But being a good human doesn’t necessarily mean you have to be a “good girl” (or good boy!)  I would even argue that being a perpetual good girl or good boy can actually stand in the way of your being a good human.

Sound crazy?  Let me tell you why.

Being a good person involves honesty, authenticity and integrity (at least IMHO).  And if you’re trying to please others or doing things simply to please others and secretly feeling resentment or annoyance over “having to do” whatever that thing is - you’re not acting from a place of honesty, authenticity or integrity.  

To be clear - none of this is your fault.

When that happens chances are you’re acting from life-long programming that you may not even know is there.  And that programming is reflective of what others have told you is the “right” thing to do and how a good person “should” behave.  

But a part of you recognizes this to be false. Which is why you get that feeling of irritability, stress and annoyance.  It’s also why you get a knot in your stomach when you do things out of obligation instead of true, authentic desire. 

(that part of you is your true voice by the way - and it’s trying to make itself heard)

You’re not the only one that was fed that programming by the way.  But when that programming is still running the show,  it can affect all of your thoughts, choices and decisions, and sometimes in ways that can keep you stuck in patterns of self-punishment and self-denial.   

And the impact isn’t limited to your own life - it spills over into your interactions with others often influencing how they show up as a partner, a parent, a friend and even as an employee (or leader for those of you who are entrepreneurs).  And while the scenarios may be different, the patterns are usually the same - overgiving, under-receiving and a complete lack of boundaries.

Over time, that “spillage” can lead to burnout, exhaustion, and lack of fulfillment coupled with a profound sense of loneliness from feeling unseen, unheard and unappreciated. 

Which is exactly where I was a little over 10 years ago..when I was letting my own “good girl” programming run the show.  And it wasn’t until I rejected the concept of who I thought I should be and fully embraced the woman I already was that I was able to step into the woman I wanted to become - or to put it more accurately - continue becoming.  Because the truth is, that woman was already part of who I was. 

I had just lost my connection to her.  

As so many of us do when stepping into roles we think we need to play based on our cultural, familial and societal programming

But it’s never too late to re-establish that connection. Or to become the woman you've always known you were meant to be. You don’t have to settle for a life that doesn't feel true to who you are.  Or a life that leaves you feeling trapped in satisfying other people’s expectations while ignoring your own.

You get to live a life that lets you feel free.  A life that lets you be true to yourself and absolutely sure that you’re on the exact path that you were meant to be on.  And you don’t have to change your whole life or sacrifice everything you've worked so hard for up until now to make that life your reality

You just have to be willing to let go of the things that no longer serve you so you can make room for more of what you want. That means knowing how to recognize and release the past programming that may be keeping you stuck and preventing you from taking steps towards your ideal life.  And repairing and reclaiming the relationship you have with yourself which is truly the most important relationship you will EVER have.

As always,


Ready to live your best life?

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You're worth it. Your dreams are worth it. Your authentic life awaits.

Are you feeling lost?  Disconnected? Maybe even a little uncertain and unsure of yourself - despite having done all the “right” things your whole life? 

Here’s the thing - when we’re not aligned with our authentic self and live life based on the expectations of others,  we can end up feeling lost, disconnected, or stuck in patterns that don't serve us.

And if we don’t reconnect with that authentic version of who we are, it can keep us trapped in a never - ending cycle of trying to please others and repeatedly putting everyone else’s needs before your own. This can create a constant fear of disappointing others which, at best leaves you feeling resentful towards others and at worst, leaves you feeling emotionally drained, frustrated, anxious and even a little depressed or unfulfilled.

But it doesn’t have to stay that way. And reconnecting with your own needs and desires is a lot easier than you think - and exactly the reason I am launching my 4 week intensive program and mastermind -  Good Girl Revolution. 

The entire intensive is geared around breaking the barriers of societal expectations, fears, and self-doubt. It's about creating - and leaig into - a sacred space where you can explore fearless authenticity and unleash your true essence. It's a call to rise, a call to move forward with courageous confidence and embrace your divine feminine energy so you can lead your life with heart, integrity, and love.

Trust me, I know all to well the pain of playing the role of "good girl".  And what it means to finally let go of the fears that may be keeping you tied to the external expectations that have dictated your life's path until now. 

I've been there. 

As an immigrant, a ”cultural black sheep”, and a lawyer (we have ALL heard those lawyer jokes), I have always stood out - even when I didn’t want to.  So I ended up spending a large part of my life denying who I actually am just to fit in a little more.  That led to a lifelong pattern of suppressing who I really was and actually wanted to be. And over time - fitting in started to feel safe.  I convinced myself that the person I had become was who I wanted to be.  Just so I could hold on to that feeling of safety for a little bit longer.

But as the saying goes - the truth always finds a way out.

That's why I've dedicated my life to guiding others down this transformative path so they can find their own truth. And not to mention the fulfillment, inner peace and freedom that comes with it.  

There is a profound sense of happiness and joy that comes with breaking free, finding your authentic path, and living it passionately. I want that happiness and joy for each of you.

The Good Girl Revolution is not just a program; it's a community. It's a sisterhood of strong, inspired women ready to support and uplift each other. It's a place where you can feel seen, heard, and encouraged to grow in ways that resonate with your soul.

If your heart is yearning for this transformation, if your soul is calling you to take the step towards the life you truly desire, then I invite you to join the waitlist for Good Girl Revolution. Embrace the courage within you. Trust the process, believe in your power, and let yourself be guided to the true YOU.

You're worth it. Your dreams are worth it. Your authentic life awaits.

With deep love and commitment to your journey…

As always,


Ready to live your best life?

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📣 Creating a life you love is easier than you think.

And it starts with knowing who you are and what you actually want for yourself and your life. Because when you know who you are and what you actually want - you can show up authentically.  And by showing up authentically you make yourself available for the things that are truly aligned with your needs and desires.

My own biggest shift came when I realized I wasn’t really living my life in a way that was true to ME. It was true to the people around me - very well meaning people - who wanted it to be true for me also.

The fact is, I was living my life based on other people’s expectations and in a way that was designed to please THEM - not me.  

And throughout that time the real me was slowly suffocating underneath all the habits and behaviors I had taken on in order to get the approval, validation and acceptance I thought I needed to be “happy”. Ironically, the more I did to feel “happy”, the more depressed I actually became.  

It wasn’t until I finally decided to just let all that sh*t go and stop trying to be such a “good girl” who felt the need to keep everyone around her happy at the expense of her own happiness that the happiness I had been searching for finally appeared. And it looked nothing like I had imagined or sought after for so long.  And thank goodness for that.  Because happiness can be fleeting.  Kind of like a one night stand - it may be fun at the time but the next day your love life is no different than it was before.

What I found waiting for me was SO much more. It was joy, radical self acceptance…and even more radical self love. And through that magical trifecta I also found the freedom to be the person I wanted to be and in fact, had been all along.  

No more denying her, ignoring her or pretending she didn’t exist.    

But in order to get there, I had to rethink (and release) the person I had been up until that point, and reinvent myself into the person I wanted to be instead. 

 I had to set myself free from the “good girl” trap and start my very own #goodgirlrevolution. 🦋 

This meant completely shifting some of my existing thoughts and beliefs and taking on a more empowering and authentic way to think and live my life.  I’m not going to pretend it was easy or that the shift happened overnight.

Quite the opposite.  It took time and there was definitely some struggle..and not to mention a boatload of rejection and judgment for others.

But at the end - I was grateful that I kept going even when I wanted to stop and that I kept believing in the journey and trusting the process even on the days it felt hopeless.  

Below are some of the “new” thoughts I had to take on at the beginning of my journey to make the shift.  They’ve served me immensely over the past decade and my hope is that they’ll do the same for you!  I would love to know which one lands with you most - so feel free to reply to this email and let me know! ;) 

  1. It’s safe to be myself - in fact, being authentic will help me create more meaning, joy and fulfillment in my life by aligning my life with my OWN values and beliefs, not what others expect of me. 🌈

  2. Assertiveness is NOT a bad word and expressing my opinions with respect, even if they're different from others, is a step towards empowerment. 💪

  3. Perfection is an illusion. It's okay to stumble and make mistakes - that's part of the human experience. Embracing imperfection is liberating. 

  4. I'm learning to draw boundaries. Protecting my time, energy, and emotions is not selfish; it's necessary. It's okay to say no. 🚫

  5. I'm beginning to dust off my shelved dreams. Life is too short not to pursue what sets my soul on fire. 🔥

  6. Self-care is no longer an afterthought. I deserve to prioritize my mental, emotional, and physical health. I can't pour from an empty cup. 🍵

  7. Not all conflict is harmful. Navigating disagreements can lead to growth and understanding. It's time to face it with courage. 🦁

  8. My achievements are worth celebrating. It's not boastful to acknowledge my successes - it's acknowledging the journey that led me there. 🏅

  9. I'm valuable, I'm capable, and I'm enough. I'm starting to believe in my worth, and you should too. 💎

This journey isn't easy, but it's worth it. Let's be gentle with ourselves, celebrate small victories, and remember - we're in this together. 💖 

As always,


Ready to live your best life?

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Do you ever feel like something's missing - or there's something more you could be doing with life?

Do you ever feel like something's missing - or there's something more you could be doing with life, but an invisible wall is somehow standing in between you and what you truly want? ​ Well let me tell you what that invisible wall really is.

Silent scripts. ​ Learned behaviors. ​ Other people’s expectations.

All of these things can create limiting beliefs and influence your behavior and your actions in a way that moves you AWAY from what you actually want for yourself instead of towards it. And if you let these influences take over for long enough - over time they can even move you away from who you truly are.

That’s why having your own coach and mentor can be so important. Coaches and mentors help us peel back the layers to reconnect with who we truly are so we can become the person we’ve always wanted to be but may have been too afraid to be.

Here’s just a few ways that hiring a life coach can help you unlock your full potential and conquer your limiting beliefs.

Why Hire a Coach?

1️⃣ You Can Get an Objective View: A coach offers an unbiased perspective and can help you identify the beliefs that are holding you back. They've worked with many individuals and have seen different ways of thinking that you might not have been exposed to or even be aware of.

2️⃣ Accountability: Coaches provide accountability. They'll hold you responsible for your progress, nudging you to keep going even when the going gets tough.

3️⃣ Strategies and Techniques: A good coach is equipped with proven methods and exercises to help you shatter those limiting beliefs and replace them with empowering ones.

And that’s just the beginning of what you’ll get when you choose to work with me. ​ The true value of coaching with me is actually in the things you can’t see or touch with your hands. ​ The true value of my coaching is in the person you will be after you finish working with me. ​ ​

-Walking into a room with newfound confidence because you believe in your value and your worth.
- Setting ambitious goals without fear of failure, because you know and truly believe that every step is a learning opportunity.
- Building stronger, healthier relationships because you've set and enforced better boundaries and dismantled the belief that you're not "good enough."
- Living a life where limitations are merely challenges waiting to be overcome.
- Waking up each day filled with excitement and energy when you look at your calendar instead of dread and exhaustion.

If that sounds like a version of you that you’d like to meet, it's time to take the next step. And hiring a coach might be the very key you’ve been looking for to unlock the door to your full potential. So stop wishing for a different life and start creating it instead.

The sky is NOT the's just the beginning of your ascension into the life you were always meant to live. Replay to this email for an application for private coaching and let’s create your ideal life together.

As Always,

Ready to live your best life?

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Overworking. Overachieving. Overeating. Over-drinking. Over-caffeinating. Overcompensating. And just plain overdoing.

Those are just some of the ways I’ve seen people distract themselves so they don’t have to face the parts of their life (and themselves) that they would rather not see.🫣

Most of those people also have zero boundaries between their work life and their home life and as much as they blame the job for their inability to slow down or make a change, the truth is it’s easier for them to drown out those feelings of emptiness if they’re constantly “busy” and have something outside of themselves to blame for what they’re feeling on the inside. 🤫

And as exhausting as the busy-ness can be..the discomfort of acknowledging that maybe they’re just not as fulfilled or as happy as they would like to be feels even more debilitating.😔

The truth is most of them are worn out from spending their days constantly putting out one fire after another and then having to wash, rinse and repeat the exact same drill the very next day. 😖

But they’re too afraid to make a change. And most don’t even know where to begin. Between the fear and the uncertainty, most are too overwhelmed to even try. 😰 And end up feeling trapped and chained to a life they don't really want.

If that’s where you are right now…don’t worry….I got you covered. To help you break free of those chains, I put together a roadmap for creating your OWN self-liberation. And it’s actually much easier to do than you think 🌟

1. Don’t be afraid to be yourself - actually, I DARE you to be authentic! And the best way to be authentic is to tune in to your own values and beliefs and then make those a priority when making decisions for your future. Live your own version of a good life, not one that’s designed to meet someone else's expectations. 🌟

2. Let yourself be heard - even when it feels a little scary. Your opinions matter, and it's OK to voice them, even if they invite disagreements. The disagreement is actually how growth happens. Some of the biggest shifts I’ve made in my own thinking and beliefs came about as a result of other people disagreeing with me. Even if I didn’t agree with their way of thinking - it helped me see things from a different perspective which always prompts growth. (I’m not talking about unsolicited life opinions or trolls here just to be clear - I mean genuine conversations based in mutual respect.) 💬

3. Forget perfectionism. It's not about your life (or you) being flawless, it's about embracing the beauty of the imperfections and learning to love them for what they bring to light. Mistakes are just stepping stones to more powerful decisions. 🌱

4. Draw your boundaries. Protect your time, energy, and emotions. Remember, saying 'NO' is a complete sentence - and you don't need to explain or justify why you’re saying no. 🚧

5. Spend time with your passion and your daydreams. Let your mind run free with imagination - the same way you did when you were a kid. What are those dreams you've been sidelining? Are they still calling you - maybe it’s time to answer the call and chase what truly sets your soul on fire. 🔥

6. Prioritize self-care. We’ve all heard this before BUT I’ll say it again anyway. You can’t pour from an empty cup. You deserve to nourish your mind, body, and soul. Remember, self-care isn't selfish; it's essential. And for the people who you’ll benefit as a result of being able to show up as your best self…it’s actually self-LESS. 🧘‍♀️

7. Don't fear conflict. You don't have to love conflict or confrontation, but walking away from it isn’t the answer either. Especially if the reason you’re walking away is to “keep the peace” or keep everyone around you “happy.” Conflict can lead to constructive change but you have to be willing to walk towards it and learn to navigate it in a positive and healthy manner so you can grow from it. 🌈

8. Celebrate YOU! Your achievements deserve recognition. No matter how big or small, be proud of yourself for what you’ve accomplished. Humility doesn’t mean minimizing yourself or you're successes. So stop downplaying your success. You've earned it (and no man would ever downplay their success)! 🏆

9. Believe in your worth. You are more than enough just as you are. Treat yourself with the same love, compassion and kindness you would show to others if you truly want to build unshakeable confidence and self-esteem. 💪

10. Seek help when needed. It's OK to ask for help. A coach, counselor or mentor can guide you through this empowering journey. I wouldn’t be nearly as far on my journey without the guidance of my own mentors and coaches and I’m proud to admit that I care enough about myself and my growth to invest in myself. I don’t see it as a symbol of shame even when others have judged me for it - I see it as a constant representation of the belief in my future self. 🙏

I’ve always loved the quote “it's not about the destination, but the journey”. And the further I get on my own journey the more that holds true for me. So always remember to focus on the journey and the process - and know that every step you take is a victory. Celebrate it! You've got this, lovies! 💖

As always,

Ready to live your best life?

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Life Lessons I’ve Learned From Running

I’ve always enjoyed running. I love the feeling of being able to just lace on my shoes and go. And the way my mind runs free as my feet carry the rest of my body forward.

The sensation of each step hitting the pavement has felt like pure pain at times and pure bliss at others.

But knowing my body was capable of carrying me as far as it has on some days has always given me a sense of freedom and empowerment. And some of the deepest thoughts I’ve had and the most beautiful lessons I’ve learned have come out of all the miles I logged on the road - with nothing but me and my thoughts pounding against the pavement (and sometimes a good podcast).

Such as the fact that some days feel like a sprint while others feel more like a marathon. In both cases, preparation is key to having a good race.

Go at your own pace. Trying to keep up with others will only slow you down in the long run and in some cases, force you to drop out of the race before you reach the finish line.

Not everyone will cheer you on or wave back at you when you wave first…keep waving anyway and be your own biggest cheerleader.

Not everyone will understand why you’re out there, especially on the brutally hot days and the freezing cold days. Some will even think you’re crazy (and tell you that). But grit and resilience are usually forged in extreme conditions - not the moderate ones. So go ahead and be the crazy one.

Running on a flat road may feel easier, but it won’t train you for the hills…and eventually you’re going to have to go up a hill (or few).

Don’t underestimate the power of rest and recovery.

Sometimes you need to run by yourself, other times you need to run with others.

Even the most beautiful and scenic paths can have their share of hidden dangers.

You won’t always set a new PR or crush your goals- and that’s okay.

If you only focus on crossing the finish line you may end up missing the most beautiful parts of the journey along the way.

Injuries and detours may seem like setbacks but they’re usually a signal to slow down and notice parts of your life you may have been ignoring or overlooking.

Just because other people think it's easy for you doesn’t mean it actually is. Celebrate yourself for making it look easy.

No matter how far you go or how hard you work, someone will always think you could’ve gone farther or done more. Unless you aspire to be more like that someone - ignore them.

And the lesson I got on today’s run may be my favorite one yet, you can’t show up at your best until you’re willing to show up at your worst. Repeatedly. And love your worst just as much as you do your best.

As always,


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