When was the last time you let yourself say what you really wanted?

When was the last time you let yourself say what you really wanted? Show up as the person you actually are instead of the person you think you “should” be or the person others “expect” you to be or have told you you “need” to be?

Be honest. Yesterday? Last week? Last month? Last year? Last lifetime?

If you can’t remember when the last time was - it really wouldn’t be all that surprising and it also wouldn’t be your fault.

So many of us are taught from the time we are little - long before we can even think for ourselves - that we had to do certain things or behave in a certain way in order to be loved, successful and happy. And whether you actually did those things was often tied into whether you were perceived by others as a “good” or “bad” girl or boy.

That’s why it wouldn’t be surprising if you ended up spending a large part of your life chasing external validation and going through life on auto-pilot so you could live up to other people’s ideas of who you “should” be or “need” to be instead of letting yourself simply be the person you actually are.

With all that childhood programming and input from well meaning adults, teachers and family members…chances are you never even stopped long enough to actually ask yourself what it is that makes YOU feel fulfilled, happy and whole.

That’s why it’s so important to slow down and take the time to actually ask yourself what it would look like to live life by your own expectations and in a way that lets you be true to who you actually are. Only then can you find that joy, freedom and happiness that may have escaped you before.

And not to mention a whole new outlook on life.

Imagine waking up each day feeling energized, excited and ready to crush your day because you’re doing what you love and being who you actually want to be.

Imagine being the empowered, confident, fun loving and fearless woman you’ve always envisioned yourself to be.

A woman who lives life unapologetically and on her own terms and makes decisions based on her own needs and desires - not based on what others think.

A woman who no longer wakes up feeling frustrated, stressed and anxious about her day and looks forward to instead - no matter how challenging it gets - because she knows in her heart that she is exactly where she is supposed to be in life.

That’s what’s possible for you when you let go of the need for external validation and replace it with your own validation. And I know it’s possible for you because I’ve seen it happen time and time again for my clients.

(I’ve also watched it happen for me by the way!)

And now, I would love to see it happen for you also. No more living a life of “should be”, “have to be” or “need to be”. Just a life that lets you BE the person you want to be and could be- whatever that looks like for you. So if you’re ready to stop “shoulding” all over yourself and start focusing on what could be possible instead - DM me and let’s see how we can work together so you can be the person you want to be and were always meant to be.

As always,


Ready to live your best life?

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